to be loved


To become the person that you are always meant to be you have to choose yourself, in the small moments, and the big ones too. No one tells you how hard that will be. No one tells you how lonely and grief-ridden and anxious and terrified you might be when you do it too. But you do it anyways. Because your bones always have been, and always will be, yours alone to carry.

At the end of the day, I only truly have myself, and when I look in the mirror, I want to be proud of the woman staring back at me. 

And I want my little self to cheer me on.

And the women who have gone before me to laugh belly deep at how beautiful I am, at how I am one of their own blood and flesh. I am here because of them. 

And I want my future self to look back in amazement at the life I made, for me, for us. 

“When all the fires in the world start burning, will there be someone there to hold your hand, or will you hold your own? I don’t have the answers to all of the questions in the world but what I do know is that at the end of the day, I hold my own bones”

“I want to write beauty in the forms of words and let it callus my hands

run me through the mud

deep in the flowing waters

and I will still rise and write the words

I am beautiful

I am strong

I am powerful”

“Let it be known that I will choose to lose
Let it be known that I tried”

- To Be Loved, Adele

All for now,

All my love,



Micaela Yawney